Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to buy my book?

First off, the paper copy of my book is now available for purchase online. (I don't think blogger is liking links right now, so here it is for copy and paste purposes. It should also be available in soon.

Today was a day of organizing things for my book. The library doesn't really do summer releases/readings during July and August, and they are completely booked up for the fall, so I may not be able to do my release there. However, they will be purchasing a couple of copies, so the book will be available at the Confederation Centre Library in Charlottetown in a couple of weeks or so.

I was also taking the book around to a couple of local stores, and it should be available to purchase in those as well in a couple of weeks. I will make another announcement when that happens. As for the ebook copy, it should be available in most online stores including Kobo, iBookstore, etc. in the next few days.

Thank you everyone who's been so supportive of me throughout this crazy adventure. If you've read the book, I would love to see some reviews on Amazon and where ever else the book is sold. That would be a great help since most people aren't interested in purchasing a book that has no reviews.

Thank you so much!

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