Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Self Publishing Checklist

As the release date comes closer for Magic High (sometime in May if all goes well) I figure it's time to do up a basic checklist. Since I've never done this before, I'm sure I've missed a few steps, but that's alright. This is a learning experience for me, and hopefully others can learn from my mistakes as well.

  • Write book
  • Edit book
  • Find at least two people to read and edit book
  • Design cover
  • Design interior
  • Build website
  • Start blog
  • Make Facebook fan page
  • Create book trailer
  • Get ISBN for both print and electronic versions
  • Figure out copyright legalities
  • Figure out taxes for items sold in US as a Canadian
  • Have proof copy printed
  • Make e-version available
  • Print paper version
  • Sell book
  • Rejoice
  • Repeat

Note that the writing section of this process is a tiny portion of what needs to be done. No wonder most writers prefer the traditional route of finding an agent and publisher.