Thursday, June 14, 2012


I know I said I'd start getting more blog posts done, but a couple of things have happened this week that have made me break that promise. 1) I finished my novel. Well, as much as one ever finishes. I've written, rewritten and edited the thing and now it's out with a few beta readers. I can't wait to hear back from them. 2) My website went down. This has given me a chance to try to make something much nicer and more professional. The problem is that I'm not really sure how to do that yet. I have a layout in mind, it's just the building it that's a problem. A A) Which means I'm trying to teach myself Drupal. So far my brain doesn't like it, or the amount of time it's taking up. B) Also, if I ever figure the whole thing out, I'll probably be moving the blog from here to my main page. Which will make a difference to all five of you actually following the blog through google. Anyway, all this means is that I've been busy. And there may be changes here soon. Hope they are all good ones.

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